
Tuesday, November 19, 2013


photo by Melody Augustin

Last week I had a few bad days.  I'm not sure that I was homesick; it was more of an unsettled feeling.  I felt very ungrounded.  That makes sense I guess, as I just moved.  One of the best ways to get more grounded is to get out in nature.  Yesterday was a beautiful day, and I went to the nearby Anne Springs Close Greenway.

photo by Melody Augustin

photo by Melody Augustin

photo by Melody Augustin

1 comment:

  1. It's only natural to feel ungrounded when you've recently moved. It took me 6 months to settle in our current house, even though we'd only moved to another part of town... Getting outside is a great remedy for all kinds of maladies.
    And I just LOVE that tree and the quote :)
