
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Simple Pleasure - Reading

These are my new purchases from my local bookstore.  I usually use the library to save money, but I didn't know if I would finish a library book before we move next week.  Rather than use Amazon or Target, or get something on Kindle,  I decided to support my local bookstore.

To be honest, sometimes reading relaxes me more than yoga or meditation.  Sometimes my mind just needs to go somewhere else.

Here are some of my favorite reads:

Pictures courtesy of

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Time - Having It All Part Two

Drink eight glasses of water, meditate for twenty minutes a day, spend quality time with your spouse and family, do aerobic exercise, lift weights, do yoga, read, keep up on the news....

Recently I wrote about "having it all".  What about "doing it all"?  If we added up all of the recommended items out there it would add up to a week, rather than a day.  It has only been in the last few years that I became OK with not doing it all.  That doesn't mean I have given up completely, I've just set more reasonable goals, and made broader categories.

Reasonable Goals - Gretchen Rubin who wrote The Happiness Project helped me with this a lot. She suggests setting small, meaningful goals and tracking them.  The tracking really helps.  My teacher friends will understand this.  It is similar to having students keep a reading log.  Here is an example of my goal log:

Breathe/Meditate 10 minutes day

Yoga at least two times week.
Other workout two times week.

Read – three times week.

Relationships Activity two times per week

Broader Categories - You will notice that I don't do yoga everyday.  I do try to do something mind/body everyday, however.  For example, if it is a day that I am walking or working with weights, I try to meditate longer. Sometimes meditating is just cuddling with the cat and listening to her purr. For the sake of full disclosure, meditating ten minutes a day has been the hardest goal to keep up with.

Weekly goals work best for me, but I  just found this great infographic that I may try out:

12 Tips On Staying Inspired
by 24slides.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.